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By Vanessa Laurey

By Vanessa Laurey


I don’t know if you are sensing this, but this is a time of “deep revelation” and it is going to go to those who are hungry and thirsty and who position themselves to receive from Jesus personally in this season! (see former post Position Yourself)

The bible teaches us that there is daily bread for His people. Not weekly, not monthly, but daily.

A fresh invitation from the King of Heaven Himself has gone out to His people to come before His throne of mercy and grace daily and receive.

Receive His words over you, His presence in you, His majesty covering you. Its a wondrous thing to come and be with the Lord of Glory!

However, for a long time we have settled for less as the body of Christ, and we have sacrificed time at His feet for being busy in His name. (Just think about Mary & Marthas story).

In doing so we forsake the better thing, coming to Jesus and receiving from Him, for the lesser thing; our over scheduled agendas, busyness & activity.

But this is a season of returning! For those who will hear His invitation and return in this time, and treat Him rightly, as the Holy One of Heaven, will be the ones receiving this revelation and the deepening sense of His presence upon them. (exciting!)


This compromise has led us to have a plague of familiarity in the church body.

The bible says familiarity breeds contempt.

But the Lord Holy Spirit is working to deliver His people out of this sickness! Praise God! ❤️

We have even become too familiar with the voices in the church who are called to be in His temple and hearing for the wider body of Christ.

Not because they are mediators to God but because the Lord sets people in places of authority to speak His Word so that the people of God stay on track for the time and season we are living in.

Its so important to be spiritually attuned to heavens agenda. It doesn’t require you to be hyper spiritual, but Jesus said in Johns Gospel (John 16:12-15) there would be leading from His Spirit who would teach us all things in the times to come, & He would lead us into the things to come.


So our number one priority is to be a friend of the King, and His Holy Spirit.

Its time for the people of God to truly leave and forsake anything that gets in the way of knowing the Lord deeply and intimately in this season.

To forsake things that take too much time and energy and give no room to know what the Lord is saying to you in your life.

Its time to forsake the worlds ways and its thinking that we have bought too much into.

Its time to truly invest our time to be transformed and conformed to the Lords mind (Romans 12:1-3).

Now is the time to come by faith and watch the Lord accelerate your transformation.

In His presence in worship, with His Word, is where we are gloriously transformed, but it requires intention.

Give your attention to Him, stop being distracted.

Fight for His voice in your life! Your true life in Him depends on His voice and His alone to truly sustain you in these coming days.

I pray that you would read this and sense the call of the King of Glory to come and bow before Him and give Him a worthy offering of worship from your life.

Don’t take every day for granted, live like He is returning, and that He is truly worthy of your life.

There is no other Worthy one, only Jesus.

I pray times of refreshing as He pours out His presence over you like rushing waters, and times of renewal of your mind to think rightly about Jesus. I pray you see Him as Holy, high and exalted. And I pray that your time of revelation would increase, to understand what the Lord is doing in His body, in the world, and in you.